We Define ourselves
Cosplay also known as costume play, which is an activity in which participants wear costumes with accessories to represent a character. It is a pop culture in Japan which brings it to a world phenomenon in 1990. We often see ComicCon, Anicon or Pax which is a huge event for geek in the North America or Europe.
In Malaysia, we have such event as well. Comic Fiesta(CF) is the well known event for cosplay. However Animangaki is the first time I heard of this. I'm always a big fans of games and anime myself, and been attending to CF since 2009, and once AFA in 2012. Some friends share this event to me, so I decided to give it a shot.
To experience the event, I'm thinking why don't I apply for a media/volunteer pass to fully experience the event since I'm a big fans. But I was too late to apply for the media pass, so volunteer pass was given at the end. Well, we have to pay of course, our soul and sweat, for helping them.
Benefit with such pass is we get to enter and out, backstage any where we want, but bare in mind we have to be responsible since they trust us and approve this pass. I really suggest blogger to apply such pass if you seriously want to understand the behind the scene.
We worked hard for this |
The event take place on 24-25 August 2013 on Sunway Pyramid Convention Center starts from 10.00am to 6.00pm. For us volunteer, we had to come at 8am for a brief. We reached at 8.30am.
Die hard fans already bee queuing since 8am |
The main coverage of this event is to discover indie spirit of a cosplayer. Indie is a term for independence, referring artists independent on something they worked on, and cosplayer is a perfect subject for this. If you ever cosplayed, the hard work behind for their fancy look is huge. The amount of money and time spend, just to bring us the joy of our living fantasies. So in return, as a blogger myself, I hope this coverage will bring them some positive push to continue their amazing job.
Kirito who was the first cosplayer arrive at the que |
Our cosplayer cum partner in volunteer work |
Have I mention we are in security work? If you notice the annoying fat guy in the entrance keep asking :' ticket please~', that's probably me. Hardwork? I prefer best seat in town as I get to see every cos-player entering the venue.
More Kirito, because we were so bored since the it starts at 10 |
Gamesbery's promoter looking good, but how come there's a ...? Never mind |
Here's come the cute asuna! Just as I remembered from the anime.
I call it the neko-suna |
There's a Kirito, now an Asuna. Couple Shot time.
Looks like a perfect couple. |
I strongly believe we are the first team who get this shot.
Here comes Kyojin?
Bride Kyojin x Fat Kyojin with ukelele and swag glasses and hat |
I believe is maple GM since there's a mushroom and a Yeti |
Sarah from Final Fantasy XII-2 |
As the time goes, more cosplayer in showing up. Some just arrive, some just finish preparing since morning.
Ezio from Assassin's Creed |
Please apologize as I don't remember the character because I'm really bad remembering name.
Aladin x Monkey |
More of him. Is my camera man in love with his cosplay? |
Eventually, we had our break. Once it happens, we just storm inside the venue.
Lucky us, there's an solo cosplay championship right now. Abusing the pass, we get front row seat for photography and enjoy the show close up. *Please do not blacklist us*
The solo Cosplay competition is prior register months before the event, those who want to be show your skills and cosplay, this stage is perfect for you as there's famous Japanese cosplayer judging this, and they will give beneficial feedback.
MCs is doing an interview with the participants |
Even more cosplayer showing up after 2pm.
Creeper in Suit - Minecraft |
Hinata from Naruto |
Just around the exit, there's an area where this group is practising dancing. Energetic and powerful yet well synchronised.
While I was enjoy their performance, this guy stands beside me. The famous blogger Danny Choo from Japan Culture.
Mirai x Danny Choo x Fat guy |
Sadly I didn't attend his Japan Culture Con, heard it was a blast. Please check out Danny Choo and Culture Japan for your Japanese need. He is an inspiration.
There's a little booth playing Touhou or DoDonPachi or Danmakufu, I just can't differentiate.
Showing off his little micro skills |
The last picture for day one would be this gorgeous girl with the dress.
Day 1 pretty much sums it up, I missed a lot of the event and photo because Lim La la forgot to charge the battery. Amazing event with amazing people.