December 28, 2013

[Event] - Garena League of Legends Circuit 2013 Grand Finals

Welcome to Summoners Rift mid or feed

In association with Comic Fiesta 2013, Garena decided to host their Legends Circuit 2013 on KL Convention Centre together with Comic Fiesta 2013. It all makes sense as e-sports are closely related to ACG such as cosplay activity.

As a former e-sports competitive player myself, e-sports has been growing steadily in Malaysia, especially League of Legends and its counter part Dota 2 by Valve. With the recently success by Orange e-sports claiming 3rd in The International 3, e-sports has been a quite a huge thing in Malaysia now. Even our Youth Minister are promoting e-sports.

As business point of view, it is a very strategic move. Not only can guaranteed a certain amount of visitors watching the tournament live by pre-selling ticket, also promoting e-sports and League of Legends. At least 40k visitors at least pass by and know what's going on. As a fans point of view, they are giving it free live performance back to the fans which ain't bad.
The Legends Circuit 2013
If you read the blog of any event we cover, we like to uncover the behind the scene thing. And yes, we met the earliest team in the field of justice.
Meet Team Singapore Sentinels
They sure do arrive early, we meet them around 9am where they are already inside the hall waiting for the competition start. 
SGS Chawy - Mid Player
There are 4 team competing the Champion which is :- SGS, KLH, KTB, and IGS.
You can find them on for more information.
The Main Stage
Summoners Cup
The Legends Circuit Summer Season 2013 - Champion Cup
How can it be a ACG event in Comic Fiesta 2013 without some Cosplay Competition?
League of Legends Cosplay Competition
Silent night Sona w/ Amumu
JINX! Isn't she excited
Pulsefire Ezreal
After the Cosplay Performance, the competition continue.
They warm up with ARAM, what?
Score Board
Lylia and LII will be casting the matches
Ah, I so wish that I can back to the e-sports once again. O well, casual player is pretty enjoyable too. Watching matches like watching football, pretty awesome hobby don't you think?

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